Want a Cannabis License? These Are the Officials to Talk to at SAHPRA
SAHPRA has earmarked three officials to deal with “walk-in” cannabis license applications. It suggests you contact them to make an appointment to find out more details or to lodge an application.
Cannabiz Africa
23 February 2023 at 11:00:00
The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has issued approximately 80 cannabis licenses to date and is trying to streamline the application process. It has dedicated three staff members to dealing with new applications,
The Regulator says it has made huge strides in overcoming capacity and funding problems and is gearing up for increased demand for license applications.
Current license regulations oblige an applicant to build a facility matching international specifications before any license is issued.
For more information, these are you SAHPRA contact personnel:
Mr Mlungisi Wondo
082 256 2626
Ms Mokgadi Fafudi
066 301 1878
Mr Ramarumo Chepape
082 492 4955
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