The recent arrests in connection with the JuicyFields fraud, are to be welcomed says Lars Olofsson, the Swedish lawyer trying to retrieve investor funds, but there should have been more people taken into custody and the way the investigation is being conducted is actually an embarrassment to the German police.
Lars Oloffson
1 May 2024 at 06:00:00
Lars Oloffson has been doggedly following the JuicyFields cash trail, representing many of the 186 000 people who lost investments of up to US700 million. This is his latest post.
International arrests in multiple countries of at this point 11 people (that we know of) is just the tip of the iceberg. And we have the inside scoop.
Last week, the first arrests in the Juicy Fields scam made global news. Which then of course led to the massive speculation, particularly in the cannapress and social media, but also the German media, about who it was who actually got busted.
While the Cannabis Cowboys over at DW, who also quoted the Russian Whistleblower (this time anonymously after outing him in the Russian press), wanted to revel in their inside knowledge, as even they admitted, it was easy to figure out all of the people they named if you know anything about the case at all. And of course, they also missed things.
Why? Because our team delivered the Russian whistleblower we will just refer to as “Anders” to the police and the DW team. It was in fact Anders who identified Sergei and the whole gang on the Russian side, not to mention the repeat offenses in Poland. And it was also Anders (and our team) who gave DW not only Anders but a lot of our research at that point on other fronts.
Everyone wants to take credit of course. But the proof is in the pudding.This is really embarrassing for the German police at this juncture, who also offered Anders full police protection for helping them, for him and his family, only to renege on the same after he risked his life, crossed over into Euröpe last fall, and spent a weekend in their custody. They did the same thing to another witness, namely taking evidence from them and failing to protect them legally as initially promised. That is not a great track record.We will however, stand by our claim that it was completely the work of our team in Sweden who also gave the police the information about the Swedish arrests that occurred this week, namely one of the founders of Naked Media, Fanny Skoglund and her boyfriend.
This alone, is interesting as this appears to be the first facilitator the police have arrested – despite apparently ignoring many of the same opportunities at the ICBC cannabis conference in Berlin on the same day. There were several people there who also should have been arrested based on evidence not only given by Anders but by others on our team.Why did the cops not do their jobs yet in this part of the world? We are not sure, but we are not going to go away or be quiet.It was also Lars Olofsson who opened the investigation in Latvia.Not to mention who gave the police information on the British side of things.
The bottom line is, it’s great that the cops finally moved, but trust us when we say that this is not over, and we will make sure that the names on our list are in front of a lot of people right now. From our perspective, the arrests are far from over. We gave a very long list of names to the police. Plus evidence.
On Other Fronts
We are also moving forward with our litigation strategy – namely a class action in Sweden against Facebook Sweden AB, which we are now qualifying for the next round, a legal action against Ernst And Young for gross accounting negligence in overseeing Facebook’s accounts (at the same time that regulators in Germany have reiterated the company’s gross negligence in the Wirecard case). And of course we have not forgotten about the banks.
While the mainstream news in the last week has also now repeatedly discussed the fact that investors will not see any returns from what has been recouped, we are committed to our fight to try to make investors whole by going after the facilitators.There is a long list.Ultimately, what the events of the last week mean is that we are absolutely right to do what we did. And we continue on, to find justice for our clients. And put as many of the provably guilty parties behind bars as we can. Not to mention make the facilitators pay damages, which are absolutely justified and overdue.
Read more about lawyer Lars Olofssons legal work:
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