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Cannabis Laws in Seychelles Likely to be Reviewed by New Law Commission

Cannabis Laws in Seychelles Likely to be Reviewed by New Law Commission

The Indian Ocean Island has established a Law Commission to overhaul outdated legislation. The Seychelles Vice President says cannabis use is one of the controversial social issues the Commission will tackle, along with abortion rights, climate change and same sex marriages.

Cannabiz Africa

12 August 2022 at 12:00:00

Cannabis reform may be on the agenda for the Seychelles. That’s after the Indian Ocean Island’s Parliament voted to establish a Law Commission to review the country’s laws, and cannabis use is likely to come under scrutiny. Vice-President Ahmed Afif presented a draft of the commission through the Law Commission Bill 2022 during the National Assembly sitting on 6 July 2022.

Afif was quoted in The Nation saying that for many years there had been requests from judges, lawyers, civil society and the public sector to establish a commission to carry out reforms and revise the laws of Seychelles.

“The government has responded to the requests and has agreed for the Commission to be a consultative or an advisory body for the republic which would revise the laws of Seychelles,” VP Afif pointed out.

“The country is facing different social, financial and environmental problems that people want to see addressed through legislative reforms. But some of these reforms are controversial, some are politically sensitive, complicated while some need expert and specialised knowledge.

Some of these issues are related to financial technology, use of cannabis, same sex marriage, LGBTI rights, abortion, climate change, rights of people with disabilities… the LDS promised in its manifesto that there was the need of a specialised and independent entity which would study, analyse and consider the different legal frameworks that would have to be put in place,” VP Afif highlighted.

The Commission will recommend for new legislations and amendments to existing laws.

The Commission will also carry out public consultations and thorough research on the different laws with the aim of coming up with solutions to challenges that society is facing and to ensure that Seychelles remains updated on legislative developments in the country.


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