Over 40% of women worldwide have difficulty in attaining orgasm and this is now being treated as a serious health issue. In the US, the states of Oregon, New Mexico, and Arkansas opened public comment periods regarding adding Female Orgasm Difficulty/Disorder (FOD) as a condition of treatment with medical cannabis.
Cannabiz Africa
26 September 2024 at 05:00:00
Female orgasmic difficulty/disorder (FOD) is a serious public health issue affecting up to 41% of women worldwide. Women who experience FOD experience more mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD, take more prescription medication, and have more sexual abuse histories than women without FOD. There is a paucity of FOD treatments and no conventional meditations. The number one sexual complaint of women who experienced childhood sexual abuse is difficulty experiencing orgasm.
Cannabis has been statistically and scientifically proven to help women orgasm and increase orgasm frequency, ease, and satisfaction. Studies over the last 50 years consistently point to cannabis’ beneficial effects on women with orgasm difficulties. Mulvehill & Tishler (2024) that for women who experienced orgasm difficulty and used cannabis before sex, 71% reported cannabis made it easier to orgasm.
Lynn et al. (2019) reported that women who used cannabis more frequently were twice as likely to report orgasm satisfaction. Kasman et al. (2020) found that for each increase in cannabis use frequency (i.e., times per week), female sexual dysfunction, including orgasm dysfunction, declined by 21%.
The state of Oregon is holding its virtual public meeting on October 3, 2024, and is accepting public comment until October 11th. New Mexico is hosting its virtual meeting on October 7, 2024 and is accepting public comment until October 7th. Arkansas held its public meeting on September 11, 2024, and is accepting public comment until October 14.
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